Nicolaas Viets


+31 6 51 56 37 36

+31 6 51 56 37 36

Merseyweg 10
3197KG Rotterdam
The Netherlands

"I have over 25 years of business experience in the Oil & Gas, and (petro) chemical industries in both technical and commercial roles at Shell, Dow and DSM. Since 2008 I have lead several product and business innovation platforms."

Dirk Verdoes


+31 6 51 34 79 67

+31 6 51 34 79 67

Merseyweg 10
3197KG Rotterdam
The Netherlands

"I have gained a reputation as an industry expert in the field of crystallization and solid-liquid separation methods and led the group at TNO that was in charge of the technical development of the Hydraulic Wash Column (HWC). I was closely involved in most of feasibility studies, pilot scale testing programs and client projects of the HWC."